
Showing posts from June, 2011

Imitation vs. Authentic

Have you ever walked into a room full of people and still felt completely alone. Or have you been surrounded by friends and family that love you and yet still long  for something more. A relationship filled with longing and intimacy, where love is a driving force and your day isn't complete until that relationship is found. For the last couple of months I have understood this feeling, lived it and tried to fill the desires of my heart for relationship with a cheap imitation. Have you ever baked with cheap imitation vanilla? I have. Its watered down and gives off the idea that it is....well.... imitation, like it is titled. One day I found actual vanilla in the cupboard, when poured out I could smell the rich yet comforting scent of vanilla.....this was the real stuff. These last couple of months I have been using "imitation vanilla" relationships in order to fulfill that longing in my heart. After examining my heart, breaking certain ties and giving many issues over to ...