I cant help but take a second to talk about the food that I have been eating here in Thailand. Let me start off by saying that no the spider isn't food...at least I think it isn't. But I hope you do enjoy the picture of it, I get to see this spider up close and personal as it has decided to move into my house...Yay!!! Anyways from the moment I got here I have been trying interesting new foods and having a history of not liking spicy food it has been interesting for me to try to stay away from the many spicy foods that cook on the streets of Bangkok. So far about 99.9 % of the food I have eaten is street vendor food and I wouldn't have it any other way. Many people back in the states told me either to eat the street food or to stay far from it. In the community that I live in (samaki) there isn't a grocery store nearby (unless you count 7/11, which are everywhere and you can get bread and other things there) and its alot cheaper to by from vendors. So street vendors ...