You Have As Many Hours In The Day As Beyonce
Recently while perusing facebook, I saw a meme that said, “You have as many hours in the day as Beyonce”. For those of us who follow pop culture on the lowest level, you would know that Beyonce is a busy woman, she performs all over the world, does interviews, photo shoots, expresses her feminist beliefs, travels, is a wife, has a baby and does it all looking “flawless”. She’s a busy women and we are being told by the meme that if Beyonce can do all that she does, we can be just as busy and “productive” because we all live under the same time constraints. Some people would say that I am a busy person, I work two part time jobs, I intern at a non-profit, I am a student leader at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at CSULA and I go to class (oh and somehow I found time to write this blog). Not to forget the relationships that I have and try to maintain (#sorryforbeinganabsentfriend). I believe that we can do so much in a single day, we can plan and work and be super productive. That ...