Trick or Treat

The other day was Halloween, for everyone in America that's obvious but here in Thailand it was just another ordinary day...or I thought it was. It was nothing like my previous Halloween experiences, I didn't dress up like a witch or superhero and go door to door asking for candy. There wasn't a Halloween party or decorations in sight. Instead there was flooding, water filled houses, hungry people and the holy spirit doing work. Let me back up and explain what that means.
This weekend we had youth camp for the kids it the neighborhood, the theme of the camp was serving God. We had an awesome opportunity to serve God at the National Stadium which for the last month has been the headquarters for the flooding relief. People were donating clothes, cooking food, making sandbags and lots of other stuff. So with the kids we got to walk the walk after we talked the talk. It really was great and the kids learned alot. Once camp was over,we saw that we had a lot of food leftover, all dry goods and thought that they would be perfect for handing out to the people who are still in a flooded area.
After somewhat figuring out where to go, we grabbed the food (which we had divided up into bags) and got on a bus. So the Servant Partners team, interns team and the older youth from the photong community went out, when the flood water started to rise we jumped on to an army truck and went as far into the flooded area as we could go. Then we got to a point where we decided to get out of the truck and pass out the food. It went so quickly, people lined up to the get the food and when others found out what we did they ran to us. As we stood on dry land about twenty feet from us was rushing water, going through houses and rising as we spoke. Once we gave out the food, we just lingered around talking to people. As I stood by Christy, one of my team leaders, she talked with this lady and as she was I started to get this feeling. I soon recognized that it was the Holy Spirit telling me that someone was sick or hurt. So I had Christy ask the woman she was talking to if anyone was sick or hurt in the neighborhood. We soon found out that this ladies father has throat cancer, he couldn't eat, was very weak and if the flood water rose any more, her and her sister would have to figure out how to get him out. We asked if we could go visit him and she pointed  us to the direction of her house. Then we waded though about a meter high of water to get to the house. Christy, sprite, and I went into the house, talked with the sister and asked if we could pray for the man. When I saw him, he was laying on the floor, you could see every bone in his body and because of the cancer he couldn't talk. After Christy explained that we are Christians and few things about our faith, we asked the man if we could pray for his healing and he nodded his head yes. So I took one of his hands, Christy took the other and sprite held his arm as we prayed for the Lord to heal this man. When we finished praying the man just kept holding on to our hands, very tightly, he couldn't speak but we knew there was something there. Christy felt like the Lord was trying to speak to this man so she asked him if he saw any visions while we prayed, he nodded his head a few times. After talking to him some more we told him that when he felt ready to try to eat, because we felt like the Lord is beginning to heal him and he nodded his head again. After leaving the house and wading back through the water we jumped back on to an army truck and headed home.
When I woke up Halloween morning I didn't expect what God had in store but I was so glad he lead us there. Even as I type this up I feel like the Lord healed that man and he is on his way to better health.

2 John 1:6b "As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love."


  1. I'll be praying for this man too Nina. Great to hear what you all had the opportunity to do. :)

  2. Hi..It is so awesome to hear your stories. You are a light to others and God is using u in a mighty way...Continue to shine and I will continue to lift you up in prayer...Blessings Lindy Matheney


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