One Of Those Days

Last week, I was having one of those days where I could have made a list of things to complain about...a very long list. Consisting of things I don't have at home, the food, the language and everything in between. Its funny how back home when I most experienced God's presence it was usually walking on the beach, praying with my brothers and sisters or at a huge, loud, awesome church service. But that day was different, I put my list of complaints aside, grabbed a hot cup of tea, sat by my front door and listened to the rain. It poured, the thunder was roaring, the lighting lit up the sky and all I could think about was the song that goes, " theres no place I'd rather be, theres no place I'd rather be, theres no place I'd rather be than here in your love, here in your love." I love how God used the rain to show me his power and gave me peace at the same time. God has been blessing me with these moments on different occasions. Teaching me that I don't have to go to a certain place or be with specific people (though they are not bad and God still uses them) to be in his presence. Then I look at my list of complaints and start thanking God for everything that he has done, is doing, is going to do and all the people I have met. Along with thanking him for the place I live in and everything I can think of.

What have you thanked God for today?


  1. Great post nina! praying for you and Elena and the team. :)


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